The Palos Verdes Junior Women’s Club supports charities which provide community enrichment, critical needs, crisis intervention and prevention, support, and public services. Charities are selected after a thorough investigation of their financial need and community impact. Focus is placed on groups that address the needs of Women and Children in Crisis. The General Membership approves the philanthropies that will be supported at the November General Meeting. We also award scholarships to worthy, local graduating high school seniors entering their first year of college or university. Read below about many of the Charities that we support and who provide a valuable partnership to fulfill our mission.
Boys and Girls Club LA Harbor: The organization has a “Triple A” strategy to provide high-quality programming in Academics, Arts, and Athletics. Academic support is the main focus and consistent college access services leads to the goal of high school graduation and college acceptance for nearly 90% of the college-bound participants.
Cancer Support Community Redondo Beach: Provides professionally-led support groups for people diagnosed with cancer and their loved ones. They are a complete mental and physical health destination for resources to those touched by cancer.
Community’s Child: Protects and empowers homeless women with infants and children offering healthy alternatives to poverty, neglect, abuse, addictions and hopelessness. It provides safe living environments, counseling, education and employment readiness for its clients.
Family Promise of South Bay: Helps newly homeless families with children achieve housing stability by providing short-term shelter, meals, case management, and hospitality.
Harbor Community Clinic: Provides primary and preventive healthcare to low income and indigent residents in Wilmington, Carson, Harbor City and Lomita. Funding provides medication to the neediest of families.
Harbor Interfaith Services: Provides homeless and working poor families with emergency shelter, food, job placement advocacy, transitional housing, childcare, and support services. This is the only agency in the South Bay that houses homeless families.
Harmony Project: Provides children living in low-income neighborhoods access and opportunity through the practice, study, and performance of music.
Los Angeles Challenge: Provides K-12 educational scholarships for children from economically disadvantaged but highly motivated families as a means of breaking the cycle of poverty.
SHAWL (Support for Harbor Area Women’s Lives): Provides women substance abuse treatment within a supportive residential living program as an alternative to incarceration or homelessness. SHAWL offers the South Bay’s only continuum of care designed to foster sustained sobriety and progress towards emotional and financial independence with success rates rivaling the best treatment facilities.
South Bay Children’s Health Care Association: Provides dental services to youth - 18 months through 24 years of age, as well as child guidance – mental health clinic for youths through 18 years of age, who come from poverty, low, and moderate income families in the South Bay communities.
Providence KidsCare: Provides hospice care and supportive services to children with cancer and their families. Trinity Kids Care offers high quality care, and services, to low income families and children.
Scholarships: Awarded to deserving local high school seniors entering their first year at a college or university. Consideration is based on financial need, academic achievement, community service, and extracurricular activities.
Lauren Luna,
2023-2024 Philanthropy VP