Our Mission

The Palos Verdes Junior Women’s Club raises funds to support local philanthropies that help meet often overlooked and under-served critical needs in the South Bay community with crisis intervention, prevention, and support. We also award scholarships to worthy, local graduating high school seniors entering their first year of college or university. Philanthropies are selected after a thorough investigation of their financial need and community impact.  Focus is placed on groups that address the needs of women and children in crisis.  Philanthropies are selected each year by vote of the General Membership at the November General Meeting.

Holiday Luncheon Fundraiser 2024-25. Past Presidents from left to right. Julia Parton, Mary Kelliny, Maura Mizuguchi, Kandis Wannamaker, Teri Screen (current president), Susan Sandler, Dora de la Rosa, Eunice Sheng, Nadia McMahon Elgrably


Philanthropy Applicants must:

  • Serve women and children in need

  • Serve the South Bay area, defined as south of the 405 and west of the 110 freeways

  • Be a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation

How to Apply
Any philanthropy meeting the above eligibility requirements may apply for funding from PV Juniors by submitting a Preliminary Philanthropy Application from June 2024 through December 2024. 

Philanthropy investigation will begin soon for 2024-2025 and continues until funds are distributed at our annual Disbursement meeting on May 30,2025.

Lauren Luna, 2024-2025 Philanthropy VP

2024-2025 Philanthropy Chair
Contact: pvjrgrantchair@gmail.com