PV Juniors Membership

Thank you for renewing or becoming a new member of PV Juniors. Please contact Membership VP Cheryl Keel @ pvjmembership2324@gmail.com to submit your membership dues.

Active Membership

An active member is a member who has completed a year as an Affiliate. An active member will serve either on the board or on a committee. Will attend a minimum of six meetings. An active member has voting privileges. Active membership includes entry (one ticket) to the Holiday, Spring, and the End of Year Disbursement event.

Affiliate Member

An affiliate member is a new member. The Affiliate member will attend all Affiliate/General meetings (See Calendar) and participate in the planning and implementation of a hands-on project. The fee for the Affiliate member includes entry (one ticket) to the Holiday, Spring, and the End of Year Disbursement event.


An Alumnae is a member who was active in the Club for 4 consecutive years. Alumni members may attend all Club meetings and functions. Alumni must purchase entry to all fundraising and social events.


Angel is available for members with less than four consecutive years of active service to the Club. A great category for past members to stay connected to the Club.

 Please mail check to:

Palos Verdes Junior Women’s Club

ATTN:  Membership Chair

PO Box 1

Palos Verdes Estates, CA  90274